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It's not really about organizing 2023 office organization virtualofficeadvantage Jan 10, 2023

This is the time of the year where everyone (including me) is talking about organization. Everything from the junk drawer in your kitchen (we all have them) to the bedroom closet to the storage room a...

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It's Email time! 2023 office organization virtualofficeadvantage Dec 22, 2022

This is the time of year where the work days seem to feel slower. As the holidays get close many start to take vacation and things at work get a little quiet. But now is the time to take the opportuni...

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What does success mean to you? 2023 office organization virtualofficeadvantage Dec 19, 2022

The end of a calendar year is usually the time we start to set goals for ourselves and our businesses.Ā  We're finishing up projects, talking with our accountants, and wrapping up the end of the year. ...

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Grateful for this Life office organization virtualofficeadvantage Dec 12, 2022

This video was recorded in 2018, but its just as true today as it was then. I'm truly grateful for everyone I have worked with, vendors, clients, and most of all my family.Ā 

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The Special Days are Few office organization virtualofficeadvantage Nov 29, 2022

Every year there are a few days that are considered special for retail: think major holidays not to mention Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and giving Tuesday. All of these days a...

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Are you busy today or is your day full? office organization virtualofficeadvantage Nov 14, 2022

If you're anything like my family, one the questions we ask each other each morning is "Do you have a busy day today?". Busyness is commonplace today. If we aren't in a state of busyness, we can almos...

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Creating Space for More... office organization virtualofficeadvantage Nov 07, 2022

When you hear the words "create" or "more" how you feel? Do your muscles tighten? Does your breathing get shallow? Does your mind wander? Relax, take a deep breath and stick with me for a few minutes....

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Tick Tock the New Year is Coming 2023 office organization virtualofficeadvantage Oct 31, 2022
The end of the year brings on thoughts of what the new year could be like. Our desires to be better, do better, more organized, driven, and so the list goes. What's often overlooked as we try to rus...
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What is Lorem Ipsum? Aug 29, 2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam in scelerisque sem. Donec ut lorem non nibh rhoncus auctor eget ut nisi. Sed finibus aliquet sagittis. Nunc vel tellus nunc. Cras vitae...

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