
A proven and reliable step-by-step system designed to seamlessly blend into your daily routine while harmonizing your professional and personal lives. 
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The Piles to Files solution is just that. Replacing the piles of office paper chaos with organized files that exude confidence and productivity.  This newly updated solution is a step-by-step system designed to seamlessly blend into your daily routine - while also harmonizing your professional and personal lives. 

You're in the right place if you:

  • Have you recently transitioned to a remote worker who needs your own workspace and want to get started on the right foot.
  • Are a seasoned entrepreneur who's taken your business to a new level by creating more time in your day.
  • Are a parent who has things under control (most of the time), but want to learn how to bring your personal and business tasks together in one place.

The Piles to Files system is a self paced solution that is right for if you:

  • Enjoy diving right in, learning from reading and video options.
  • Want to take control of the paper in your workspace. 
  • Want to have daily tasks at your fingertips allowing for more creativity and productivity.
  • Are ready to integrate your business and personal paperwork into one simple to create system that adapts as you need it to. 

You're in the right place!

From  Piles to Files is a step-by-step approach that will take you from feeling embarrassed and frustrated in your office paper chaos, to feeling organized and confident in your ability to quickly identify when tasks are due and easily complete them, while increasing your productivity.

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By the end of this course you will have...

1. Set up your system

with the supplies you need, decide where the best location is for you to set up your system (based on your needs and space), and prepare you for change.

2. Give you the tools 

and guide you to success by walking with you through the "thick of things" while we make the tough decisions and customize your file system to your needs.

3. Create your daily routine

by establishing what your file system will look like and what it will contain. Your workspace will already be different!                                                                        

4. Form a habit

by reinforcing your daily routine and introducing the most beneficial principle you will learn throughout the course (*that you can use ANYWHERE).

5. Bring mental clarity

by knowing exactly what tasks to start your day with, and projects to be tackled throughout the day, and ending your day by prepping for the next work day.

6. Wrap Up

your day, week, and month using the step by step process, checklists and tools you've learned to continue your system. Learn to customize your system to adapt with you.

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Piles to Files Course Self-Paced only


Top features

Tiffny is celebrating 22 years in business with a very special offer! This is THE organizational system we have used for well over 22 years.

  • Written Instruction for each Lesson
  • Videos that explain & show each Lesson step by step
  • Worksheets that help you make decisions and get focused
Sign Me Up! - $47

Plus You'll be Backed by a 14 Day Guarantee

Work the Piles to Files System and give it your all. If after Lesson 2 - or 14 days from the date of purchase, which ever comes first - reach out to us. We will do our best to help you overcome your hurdle so you are able to continue on. If we aren't able to help you work through your hurdles, we will offer your money back.

What people are saying....


Before I started the Piles to Files course, I could not find my desk! Everything was haphazardly stacked, and any time I needed to reference something, it was like a great archaeological dig site! After taking the Piles to Files course, I had a system in place so that I had a spot for each piece of incoming paper. I could easily find important documents and day to day work. I feel empowered to be able to take charge of the paper piles and I am happy to report that my desk has stayed (mostly) clean for going on 8 weeks now! A definite victory in my book. Highly recommend the Piles to Files course!


Did you ever have that pile of papers that is constantly being moved from place to place to go through "tomorrow"? If so, you need Piles to Files! You will not only learn how to finally tackle that big pile, but Tiffny will help you decide what you really need to keep and help you come up with a nice and tidy home for each paper to go to! You will never forget someone's birthday or forget to send in those school permission slips again! 




Piles to Files leaves you feeling organized and ready to take on each day with a plan. You’re able to access papers/information easily when you need it, without the hassle of going through piles. It also helps you stay on top of deadlines. It’s worth the time and money investment.





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